Monday, January 24, 2011

Internship Blog #7

Prompt: Describe what you are most thankful for in your internship experience—what experiences, what people, and so on? What new appreciations have you gained through internship and how did you develop these?

1… The first and main thing I am so thankful for during this internship is how nice everybody at San Diego CityBeat is. Everybody here is a big family that runs so fluidly and is so nice and respectful to one another. If I was in any other environment it would’ve been much less enjoyable and fun.

2… I am also very thankful for the experiences I have been given. The photo assignments I have been given sent me on some great adventures with some amazing things to photograph. The people I have meat through CityBeat, and the things I’ve done have made very thankful for it.

3… I have very much learned to appreciate the fact that you don’t need a suit to be happy. In fact I have begun to learn its about the opposite. Everybody I’ve met that has to wear a suit on a daily basis is always grumpy, pissed, and just generally not very fun. And everybody here, and teachers at school, and people in general that have much more relaxed jobs, are always much happier. Of course less money is made, but I will never be one to trade happiness for money.

Thank you San Diego City Beat.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Internship Blog #6

Prompt: Describe how experiences at HTHMA have prepared you for your experience at internship.

I really liked this prompt, kind of because I don't have that many good things to say. HTHMA didn't really prepare me for this internship. I'll talk about the few things they did help with at the end so that I end on a good not, but HTHMA is very far off of my internship, and just totally different for what I was prepared for. In fact I don't think we were very prepared at all. We kinda just got thrown into this not expecting what would end up happening, but thats pretty great. You never know what will happen in the real world, and right now I don't even know what i'll be doing next week, but sometimes you just can't know, and how could we have been prepared for that. We couldn't have, is the answer. But, I know how to take pictures, use every aspect of the internet, and type on a keyboard, So thank you HTHMA.

Internship Blog #5

Prompt: Who benefits from the qork that you do at internship? How and/or why?

Assuming that you meant "work", there are a few people here at the office who's my work benefits. Also the magazine as a whole, I guess. I've done two CityWeek Blurbs which the magazine, and in a way —everybody here—benefitted from. Peter the Music Editor has definitely benefitted from me taking over the daily, Check 1, Check 2, Music & Nightlife blog that he would be doing without me here. (See image posted, I have also been keeping track of the Demo CD's coming in for the great demo review which is helping Peter, but I like all of this stuff. Also, Dave Maass has been slightly benefitted from me—I guess—because one time I made copies for him. OH! I almost forgot, I also took pictures of Kettner Nights and everybody who has been on the website benefits from that.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Internship Blog #4

Prompt: How do you see your roll at your internship?

I see my roll at internship right now just being the Intern. Every day I do the daily music blog, some behind-the-scenes database work, and try to find something interesting to write about. Some days with some exciting photography mixed in, or a CityWeek Blurb or something. However, I'm just kinda doing the work others don't want to do. But that makes sense to me, I'm the Intern, they have unwanted work, and I want work. So its the perfect roll for me.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Internship Blog #3

So far, the biggest challenge I have faced is coming up with story ideas. I’ve pitched 5-10 so far and there is only 1 that could possibly, maybe work. I first tried to think of things that I knew well, except as a journalist I'm not allowed to write about those. To be honest, I am slowly starting to loose faith in myself at CityBeat. I feel as if the only work I was really meant to do was the average "Intern" work. I don't know what it is, but this is beating me right now, and I don't like it. However, I will try and try until I no longer can.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Internship Blog #2

Prompt: Describe the project you'll do at internship, including the skills and technology you need to do it and what you hope your project looks like as a final product.

The project I believe I am going to do at my internship is write a larger story in CityBeat. My goal is obviously a cover story, if not then just one of the 1000 word or longer stories that could be featured. Now I will be writing this story, no matter what, but it might not get published. It has to go through editors first and it just might not be high enough quality to actually be published in the magazine. Hopefully it’ll at least end up somewhere on the website! If not, it will always be in my mind.

Internship Blog #1

Prompt: What are you excited about, nervous about and wondering about?

Excited...There are tons of things I am excited about for this week! The number one thing is that I just wrote the Art Blurb in the City Week section of City Beat. I know it’s not a huge section, but it will be really cool to actually see something I wrote published in a magazine. I am also excited to just be in this environment and get to know these people so that when I come in next week its just expected, I’m just excited to be in this work environment.

Nervous...Well, I am only nervous about one thing right now. It’s the fact that I just turned in my first piece of writing and I don’t know what to think of it. At school I know exactly what the teachers expect from me and I try to give them a little more. However, at this point I don’t know what is expected of me and if what I’m doing is enough, or not. We will see how this goes.

Wondering...Right now I am wondering how this internship is going to end up. I think right now I fit into the work staff pretty well but im just wondering/excited to see how things will be next week when I come in.